01 - Reise, Reise 02 - Mein Teil 03 - Dalai Lama 04 - Keine Lust 05 - Los 06 - Amerika 07 - Moskau (feat Yulya Volkova) 08 - Morgenstern 09 - Stein um Stein 10 - Ohne Dich 11 - Amour |
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Auch auf den Wellen wird gefochten Ahoi Reise, Reise Seemann Reise Reise, Reise Seemann Reise Die Lanze muss im Fleisch ertrinken Ahoi Reise, Reise Seemann Reise Reise, Reise Seemann Reise Reise, Reise Seemann Reise |
Even on the waves there is fighting Ahoy Arise, arise seaman arise Arise, arise seaman arise The lance must be drowned in flesh Ahoy Arise, arise seaman arise Arise, arise seaman arise Arise, arise seaman arise | |
[1] Though written as a noun, "Reise" is obviously used as a verb in the song. The phrase "Reise, Reise" is used by seamen as a wake-up call and finds its roots in the Middle High German verb "risen", which meant "to rise" (to which it is obviously related as well). This verb has since died out in New High German, though the noun was retained and came to mean "journey" or "voyage". The verb "reisen" was rederived from the noun "Reise", but now means "to journey" or "to travel". It seems the old meaning has been preserved in this phrase in the seaman's language. |
„Suche gut gebauten 18-30jährigen zum Schlachten“ Heute treff' ich einen Herrn Denn du bist was du isst Es ist mein Teil – nein Die stumpfe Klinge gut und recht Ist doch so gut gewürzt Denn du bist was du isst Es ist mein Teil – nein Ein Schrei wird zum Himmel fahren |
“Looking for a well-built 18 to 30-year-old to be slaughtered” Today I will meet a gentleman Because you are what you eat It is my part – no The dull blade good and proper It's just so well seasoned Because you are what you eat It is my part – no A cry will ascend to heaven | |
[1] "Teil" means "part" or "piece", but can also be slang for "penis", similar to "thing" in English. [2] Only present in the single version of the song: This is a direct quote from an online posting made by Armin Meiwes, a man in Germany who found a willing "victim" (Bernd Jürgen Brandes) to slaughter. Before the deed, Brandes wanted his penis cut off, and they ate it together. [3] "Weiche Teile" is a pun on "Weichteile", which means "genitals" in German. |
Ein Flugzeug liegt im Abendwind Weiter, weiter ins Verderben Das Kind hat noch die Zeit verloren Weiter, weiter ins Verderben Aus den Wolken tropft ein Chor Der Sturm umarmt die Flugmaschine Weiter, weiter ins Verderben Aus den Wolken tropft ein Chor Der Vater hält das Kind jetzt fest Komm her, bleib hier |
An airplane is in the evening wind Onwards, onwards into destruction The child has still lost time Onwards, onwards into destruction From the clouds falls a choir The storm embraces the flying machine Onwards, onwards into destruction From the clouds falls a choir The father is now holding onto the child Come here, stay here | |
[1] The Dalai Lama is the most powerful figure in the Gelugpa or Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism. The current one, Tenzin Gyatso, is also afraid of flying. [2] The word "Wiegenfest" is used, which is an old word for "birthday", but literally translated would be "cradle celebration". Note: The song is at least partially based on the poem "Erlkönig" which was written by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1782. |
Ich hab' keine Lust Ich habe keine Lust mich nicht zu hassen Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren Ich hab' keine Lust Ich hab' keine Lust etwas zu kauen Ich hätte Lust mit großen Tieren Ich hab' keine Lust |
I don't feel like it I don't feel like not hating myself I would feel like it with big animals I don't feel like it I don't feel like chewing anything I would feel like it with big animals I don't feel like it |
Wir waren namenlos Sie waren sprachlos Wir waren namenlos Wir waren los |
We were nameless They were speechless We were nameless We were "-less" [6] | |
[1] This song has several puns or double meanings that just don't work in English. As a suffix, "-los" is the same as "-less" in English. As an adjective, "los" is more like "off" or "loose". As a command, "Los!" means "go". [2] Another pun. The German saying "sang- und klanglos" means "simply", "unnoticed", or "without any ado or fuss". It comes from the fact that there is no singing (Gesang) or bell ringing (Glockenklang) at simple funerals. The word "sanglos" is only used in this phrase in German. The lyrics mean that they are one part, yet not the other, and therefore are not going to simply be unnoticed. [3] And another. Because it is written and said apart, it can be seen as "Es wurde Zeit. Los!" ("It was time, go!") as well as "Es wurde Zeitlos" (It became timeless"). [4] Not a real word, I know, but it fits. [5] "Sie sind Gott. Los!" means "They are God. Go!" while "Sie sind gottlos" is "they are godless". [6] And finally, "Wir waren los" can been seen as "We were -less" or "We were off". |
We're all living in Amerika Wenn getanzt wird will ich führen We're all living in Amerika Ich kenne Schritte die sehr nützen We're all living in Amerika We're all living in Amerika This is not a love song We're all living in Amerika We're all living in Amerika |
We're all living in America When there's dancing I want to lead We're all living in America I know moves that are very useful We're all living in America We're all living in America This is not a love song We're all living in America We're all living in America |
Это песня о самом красивом Diese Stadt ist eine Dirne Moskau Sie ist alt und trotzdem schön Moskau Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst Moskau |
This song is about the most beautiful This city is a prostitute Moscow She is old and nevertheless beautiful Moscow I see something, that you don't see Moscow | |
[1] The Pioneers were a youth organization operated by the communist party in the USSR (think communist Boy or Girl Scouts). There are or were counterparts in many other communist countries, including East Germany. [2] The lines in parenthesis are what are sung in concert. They are most likely the original lines, but were changed slightly when translated to Russian. The Russian lines are sung instead on the CD. |
Sie ist hässlich dass es graut Morgenstern ach scheine Ich bin allein zur Nacht gegangen Morgenstern ach scheine Morgenstern ach scheine Morgenstern ach scheine Und der Stern will scheinen |
She's so ugly that it gets dark [1] Morningstar, oh shine I went alone in the night Morningstar, oh shine Morningstar, oh shine Morningstar, oh shine And the star wants to shine | |
[1] The verb "grauen" has two meanings in German. The one that fits with the sentence has been used here, but in the context of the song, it could easily be interpreted the other way too before the second line is said – "She so ugly that it's horrifying". [2] "Ungesicht" is a made up word, and most likely a play on "Angesicht" (Face). The "Un-" prefix in German is sometimes used with nouns to mark them as bad, wrong, nasty, etc. |
Ich habe Pläne große Pläne Ja ich schaffe dir ein Heim Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein Ohne Kleider ohne Schuh Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein Welch ein Klopfen welch ein Hämmern Stein um Stein mauer ich dich ein |
I have plans big plans Yeah I'll make you a home Stone by stone I wall you in Without clothes without shoes Stone by stone I wall you in What a pounding what a hammering Stone by stone I wall you in | |
[1] The verb "dämmern" actually means "to get light (at dawn)" or "to get dark (at dusk)", and as there is no mention of time, it is not clear which is meant. [2] There is a pun in this line. The verb "rammen" means "to ram". Because of the German conjugation and word order, the line is ended with "ramm'". When connected with the next word Till sings, it becomes "Ramm-STEIN". |
Ich werde in die Tannen gehen Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein Auf den Ästen in den Gräben Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein |
I'm going to go into the fir trees Without you I cannot be On the branches in the ditches Without you I cannot be |
Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier Amour Amour Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier Amour Amour Die Liebe ist ein wildes Tier Bitte bitte gib mir Gift |
Love is a wild animal Amour Amour Love is a wild animal Amour Amour Love is a wild animal Please please give me poison | |
[1] "Amour" is French for "love". |
http://www.AltMusic.ru | TWAIN (Alex BigMe) |